Interface IParser

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IParser

Interface defining the requirements on text parsing for filter expressions.
Starting on version 4.3, the parser is also able to handle html content; in this case, the parser accepts simple text, but the created filter can be applied to Html content

Luis M Pena -

Nested Class Summary
static class IParser.InstantFilter
          Helper class used on parseInstantText(String).
Method Summary
 String escape(String s)
          Escapes a given expression, such that, when parsed, the parser will make no character/operator substitutions.
 IParser.InstantFilter parseInstantText(String expression)
          Parses the text, considered to be a part of the whole text to enter.
 RowFilter parseText(String expression)
          Parses the text, returning a filter that can be applied to the table.
 String stripHtml(String s)
          Removes any Html content from the passed string, converting special Html characters to Java characters.

Method Detail


RowFilter parseText(String expression)
                    throws ParseException
Parses the text, returning a filter that can be applied to the table.

expression - the text to parse


IParser.InstantFilter parseInstantText(String expression)
                                       throws ParseException
Parses the text, considered to be a part of the whole text to enter.

The behaviour of this method is implementation specific; the default implementation considers the expression to be the beginning of the expected final string

This method is invoked when the user inputs text on a filter editor, if instant parsing is enabled, and if the text entered so far does not match any table's row value for the associated column.

Alternative implementations that would consider matching the provided expression to any substring ('contain' meaning), should set the autoCompletion flag in the IFilterEditorto false

expression - the text to parse
the filter plus the real expression used to create the filter


String escape(String s)
Escapes a given expression, such that, when parsed, the parser will make no character/operator substitutions.


String stripHtml(String s)
Removes any Html content from the passed string, converting special Html characters to Java characters.