31th January 2008

A detail on the notation used: Mono is a .Net implementation, available for several operative systems. But, in this page, .Net, unless otherwise stated, refers to the Microsoft implementation for Windows.

GAC: Windows and Mono

The GAC, the global assembly cache, is the solution in .Net to hold shared assemblies (libraries) with multiple versions.

Basically .Net defines one location -a directory- where these assemblies are stored. Note that assemblies do not need to be installed in the GAC, and that there could be multiple GAC directories; it is, anyway, a global repository.

Logically, a library called LIBRARY, with versions 1.0 and 2.0, would be stored, under the GAC, as:

  • LIBRARY\1.0\library.dll
  • LIBRARY\2.0\library.dll

The implementation is a bit more complicated; version numbers include 4 figures, the directory name for each version includes a public key and digital signature, and there is also support for 'cultures', so that a version of the same library for Spanish and English, for example, can coexist.

For example, a -quite old- version of Nunit is installed as:


When a library or executable is created, it must include references to any external used assemblies. There is no magic here; if I intend to use the version of the Nunit framework, my compilation must include, somehow, the previous location.

This location is not harcoded in the generated library/executable. Instead, it will contain a manifest that references the strong version name of the referenced library. Something like:

.assembly extern nunit.framework
  .publickeytoken = (96 D0 9A 1E B7 F4 4A 77 )
  .ver 2:2:9:0

Now, when this assembly/executable is used, the .Net runtime knows that it requires a library called nunit.frameword, with version and token 96d09a1eb7f44a77, and it will look for this library in the GAC (in fact, it looks as well other places, like the current directory). Unless there is any specific versioning policy, this exact assembly version must be found in the GAC, or the execution will fail.

GAC in Mono

Mono uses a similar approach. If MONO_HOME is the location where Mono was installed, the GAC is initially located under:


In this location, the structure is exacly as defined for .Net; you could find the nunit.framework.dll under:


The directory MONO_HOME/lib/mono, in addition to the GAC, contains a set of directories named 1.0, 2.0, and 2.1 -as of Mono 1.2.6-. These are the directories where the Mono compilers will look for shared assemblies if they cannot find them in the other default locations -directory of the executing assembly or the MONO_PATH directory, if defined-.

There are, with Mono 1.2.6, three C# compilers: mcs (version 1.0), gmcs (version 2.0, supporting generics) and smcs (version 2.1, supporting Silverlight). For example, mcs will use the directory MONO_HOME/lib/mono/1.0 to find global assemblies. Obviously, this means that we cannot have multiple versions of the same library to be used by default -just the one version located in this directory-.

Mono and .Net

So, what happens if you try to compile or use an assembly -that works properly in .Net- under Mono? Letting aside probably compatibily issues, in case that the assembly uses a feature not yet ported into Mono, there is the problem of using the GAC. Mono and .Net define different GACs, so an assembly located in the .Net GAC will not be available for Mono.

This can be easily solved: just copy the assembly, with all directory names, from one GAC to the another. But note that this operation cannot be done from Windows Explorer, as a shell extension hides the internal GAC structure. However, it can be done from the command line.

For example, to copy the version of nunit.framework.dll from .Net to Mono GAC's, do:

xcopy . "\Program Files\Mono-1.2.6\lib\mono\gac\nunit.framework" /s
1 File(s) copied

If you want to make this specific version available for the gmcs compiler, it is needed now to copy that dll into the associated directory:

C:\Program Files\Mono-1.2.6\lib\mono>
copy gac\nunit.framework\\nunit.framework.dll 2.0
        1 file(s) copied.

Mono and Mono

The previous point covered the case where an assembly is available under the .Net GAC but not under the Mono GAC; but, as it happens, there can be problems on the way Mono is distributed.

For example, Mono 1.2.6 is delivered with NUnit, versions and

C:\Program Files\Mono-1.2.6\lib\mono>dir gac\nunit.framework
 Volume in drive C is Programs
 Volume Serial Number is F8BC-7489

 Directory of C:\Program Files\Mono-1.2.6\lib\mono\gac\nunit.framework

01/18/2008  01:15 AM    <DIR>          .
01/18/2008  01:15 AM    <DIR>          ..
12/20/2007  09:24 AM    <DIR>
12/20/2007  09:24 AM    <DIR>
               0 File(s)              0 bytes
               4 Dir(s)  23,652,917,248 bytes free

But if you try to compile a project referencing the nunit.framework assembly using gmcs, it will fail, stating that it cannot find that assembly. However, using the mcs compiler, it will find that assembly. Unfortunately, gmcs is the compiler required when using generics.

The problem is that the directory MONO_HOME/lib/mono/1.0 contains a copy of the nunit.framework.dll (one of the two available versions, that is), and this copy is not present in MONO_HOME/lib/mono/2.0

The solution is to make that copy available under 2.0:

C:\Program Files\Mono-1.2.6\lib\mono>xcopy 1.0\nunit.framework.dll 2.0
1 File(s) copied

Please note that there can be reasons why an assembly is available to one compiler's version but not the other.

One only GAC for .Net and Mono?

As both GACs share the same structure, I would expect that it would be possible to setup a machine with both .Net versions using a single GAC. Mono supports the environment variable MONO_GAC_PREFIX to define a different GAC location, but it is not possible to setup this variable to the .Net GAC, because Mono automatically appends /lib/mono/gac to this environment variable.

In any case, the operation would not be that simple. .Net has 3 different GAC locations, all under \windows\assembly. There is GAC, GAC_32 and GAC_MSIL, depending on whether the assembly run in 32 or 64 bits, or on both. and even if there would be just one .Net location, it would be probably not such a good idea to let both runtimes deal with this structure.

NUnit case

Although this note uses NUnit as example, the information shown so far does not really solve the problem of using .Net on Mono 1.2.6 with generics. That is, on a fresh Mono 1.2.6 installation, a compilation requiring gmcs and NUnit will fail as:

error CS0006: cannot find metadata file `nunit.framework.dll'

The solution is not so simple as to copy a valid nunit.framework.dll into the mono gac. Mono is deployed with a NUnit executable (launched via nunit-console2) which relies itself on nunit.core.dll, nunit.framework.dll and nutil.util.dll, all of them in version So, if that is the executable on use to test Nunit, the previous dlls must be made available on the gac and compiler's areas.

Unfortunately, version 2.2 is a bit old (August 2004), so you can run into different compatibility problems; in this case, the best would be to install NUnit from source.

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