Uses of Class

Packages that use CustomChoice

Uses of CustomChoice in net.coderazzi.filters.gui

Fields in net.coderazzi.filters.gui declared as CustomChoice
static CustomChoice CustomChoice.MATCH_ALL
          Empty filter, returns all entries.
static CustomChoice CustomChoice.MATCH_EMPTY
          Special empty filter, returns all entries with null or empty values.

Methods in net.coderazzi.filters.gui that return CustomChoice
static CustomChoice CustomChoice.create(Object choice)
          Creates a CustomChoice that matches the given object; its stringfied format is the representation shown to the user.
static CustomChoice CustomChoice.create(Object choice, String repr)
          Creates a CustomChoice that matches the given object, with the provided representation.
The choice can be a Pattern instance, in which case it is performed a complete regular expression match.

Methods in net.coderazzi.filters.gui that return types with arguments of type CustomChoice
static Set<CustomChoice> CustomChoice.createSet(Collection choices)
          Creates a set of CustomChoice instances, one for each provided choice.
static Set<CustomChoice> CustomChoice.createSet(Object[] choices)
          Creates a set of CustomChoice instances, one for each provided choice.
 Set<CustomChoice> IFilterEditor.getCustomChoices()
          Returns the current choices.

Methods in net.coderazzi.filters.gui with parameters of type CustomChoice
 void CustomChoiceDecorator.decorateComponent(CustomChoice choice, IFilterEditor editor, boolean isSelected, JComponent c, Graphics g)
          Decorates the choice on the given editor.
 void CustomChoiceDecorator.DefaultDecorator.decorateComponent(CustomChoice choice, IFilterEditor editor, boolean isSelected, JComponent c, Graphics g)
 Color CustomChoiceDecorator.getBackground(CustomChoice choice, IFilterEditor editor, boolean isSelected)
          Returns the background color.
 Color CustomChoiceDecorator.DefaultDecorator.getBackground(CustomChoice choice, IFilterEditor editor, boolean isSelected)
 Font CustomChoiceDecorator.getFont(CustomChoice choice, IFilterEditor editor, boolean isSelected)
          Returns the font.
 Font CustomChoiceDecorator.DefaultDecorator.getFont(CustomChoice choice, IFilterEditor editor, boolean isSelected)
 Color CustomChoiceDecorator.getForeground(CustomChoice choice, IFilterEditor editor, boolean isSelected)
          Returns the foreground color.
 Color CustomChoiceDecorator.DefaultDecorator.getForeground(CustomChoice choice, IFilterEditor editor, boolean isSelected)

Method parameters in net.coderazzi.filters.gui with type arguments of type CustomChoice
 void IFilterEditor.setCustomChoices(Set<CustomChoice> choices)
          Sets the available choices, shown on the popup menu.