Package net.coderazzi.filters.gui

Interface Summary
ChoiceRenderer Interface to customize the rendering of choices in the IFilterEditor.
CustomChoiceDecorator Interface that allows customizing the appearance of CustomChoices in those IFilterEditors without associated ChoiceRenderer.
IFilterEditor Public interface of the editors associated to each table's column.
IFilterHeaderObserver A ITableFilterHeaderObserver instance receives notifications when the associated IFilterEditor instances are created, destroyed, or update the held filter.
IParserModel Interface defining the model required to use and create IParser instances.

Class Summary
CustomChoice Class to specify a custom filter in the choices list.
CustomChoiceDecorator.DefaultDecorator Default decorator, delegating always to the associated methods on the CustomChoice instances.
FilterSettings Class to define some common settings to the TableFilter library.
It is just a sugar replacement to using directly system properties (which could be not available, anyway)
FiltersHandler FiltersHandler represents a RowFilter instance that can be attached to a JTable to compose dynamically the outcome of one or more filter editors.
HtmlChoiceRenderer Class to render properly columns having html content.
Look Class representing the current TableFilterHeader appearance.
ParserModel Default ParserModel.StringTypeFormat instances, supporting all the basic java types
It also includes support for Comparator of Date instances.
ParserModel.BooleanTypeFormat Factory to build boolean objects.
ParserModel.ByteTypeFormat Factory to build byte objects.
ParserModel.CharacterTypeFormat Factory to build character objects.
ParserModel.DoubleTypeFormat Factory to build double objects.
ParserModel.EnumTypeFormat Factory to build character objects.
ParserModel.FloatTypeFormat Factory to build float objects.
ParserModel.IntegerTypeFormat Factory to build integer objects.
ParserModel.LongTypeFormat Factory to build long objects.
ParserModel.ShortTypeFormat Factory to build short objects.
ParserModel.StringTypeFormat Factory to build string objects.
TableFilterHeader Implementation of a table filter that displays a set of editors associated to each table's column.

Enum Summary
AutoChoices Enumeration to define the available auto choices modes on a table filter or on each separated filter editor.
TableFilterHeader.Position Location of the header in relation to the table