14th August 1997

VirtualNet (over RMI)


The virtual net application is provided in its source form. The documentation can be generated using javadoc.

The application has not been fully tested; if you find any bug, please let me known. If you modify any of the files, I would like to enjoy your improvements: please let me know about the changes.

Finally, the application has been written using JDK 1.1, and tested with the 1.1.3 version. It won't work with JDK 1.0

  • vnetjava.zip (57 KB): the java files (they are directly unzipped in a directory called vnet). With this files is possible to generate the documentation and the library file.
  • vnetdoc.zip (75 KB): the documentation (it has been generated form the java files using javadoc)
  • vnetjar.zip (95 KB): the final library (it was generated with the -0 option, and zipped later)

If you get the java files, you will have to generate the class files using javac. In addition, it is needed to generate the stubs and skeleton for the RMI servers. To do that, from the parent directory where you have unzipped the zip file, execute:

rmic -dstub . -dskel . vnet.remote.HostImpl
rmic -dstub . -dskel . vnet.remote.VirtualNetRemote

If you don't generate now the jar file, you need to modify the classpath to include the directory parent where the class files have been generated. For example, if the java and class files are in the directory vnet under the directory Java, the classpath should be something like:


If you get the vnetjar.zip file, it is needed to unzip it to any directory, and include the file vnet.jar in the classpath. For example, my classpath is, under Windows 95:
